Education & Classes Services in Altinho

FRB HDA H2S Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course MumbaiThis course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment.
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978 sets minimum qualification standards for masters, officers and watch personnel on sea going merchant ships and large yachts( PST,FPFF,EFA,PSSR)
#Helicopter Underwater Escape Training in most other countries, (often abbreviated HUET, pronounced hue-wet, hue-way or you-way) is training provided to helicopter flight crews, offshore oil and gas industry staff law enforcement personnel, and military.
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipment's. We are the best institute to offer the offshore courses in Delhi. We offer all types of courses related to offshore Industry.
Courses1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager)
2. BS(Barge Supervisor / Barge Master)
3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability)
4. MS ( Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic)
5. OPIT OIMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training)
6. #Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3
7. #HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer)
8.# HDA ( Helideck Assistant)
9. #BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
10. #HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training)
11. #H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course)
12. #FRC #FRB (Fast Rescue Boat / Craft)
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC& COC Assistance
Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET,#HUET FOET#,H2S #HLO #FRC now in India. Email- weoffshore@gmail.comMob-8750141747Altinho, Goa61 days

LICOS FRB FRC HDA Catering courses Rating Courses Passenger Ship Training MumbaiOcean Offshore Marine India
This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment.
#BOSIET course is a minimum requirement to work offshore. The course consists of four modules; Safety Induction, Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), Sea Survival and First Aid, Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. The BOSIET is required for cold water areas and includes additional training in the use of survival suits and emergency breathing systems during the #HUET module.
Introduction1. 1 #Basic Safety Induction, #Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), #Sea Survival and First Aid, #Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. #Emergency Breathing System (EBS) , In-water Procedures
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the #offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry.
Courses 1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager)
2. BS (Barge Supervisor / Barge Master)
3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability)
4. MS (Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic)
5. OPITO IMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training)
6. Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3
7. HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer)
8. HDA ( Helideck Assistant)
9. BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
10 . PSCRB ( Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats )
11. HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) &
Helicopter under water escape & sea survival training
12. H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course)
13. FRC / FRB (Fast Rescue Craft / Boat )
14. HFF (Helicopter Fire Fighting)
15 HDFF ( Helideck Fire Fighting )
Basic Offshore Course
Roustabout Course
Enclose Space Entry
Helicopter under water escape & sea survival training
Container Familiarization
Safe Working Practice
Environmental Compliance Training
Environmental Safety Training
Basic safety Training
Roustabout Course
Anchor Handling
Accident Investigation
Safe Lifting and Hoisting
Fast Rescue Boats / Craft
Crane Operator
Rigging and Slinging
Designated Person Ashore (DPA)
D. G. Shipping and I. M. O. Approved STCW 95 /STCW 2010 : Courses
Elementary First Aid (EFA)
Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention (FPFF)
Augmentation Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention (AUG FPFF)
Medical First Aid (MFA)
Oil Tanker Familiarization (OTF)
Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (PSSR)
Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
Refresher Course for FPFF (STCW´ 2010)
Refresher Course for PST (STCW´ 2010)
Security Training for Seafarers with designated security duties
Nautical courses
Basic Offshore Courses
Writtens and Orals Preparatory Classes
Engineer Courses
Engine Room Resource Management
Catering courses
Rating Courses
Passenger Ship Training
Technical Maritime Training
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC ( Palau Panama Liberian Honduras Indian ) & COC Assistance
I Remain At Your Service For Further Assistance.
Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET, #HUET #FOET, H2S #HLO #FRC #PSCRB, HFF, #HDFF #STCW 2010 Etc. #Now In India. Email- Oceanoffshore@pacific-ocean. com weoffshore@gmail. com Mob-8750141747Altinho, Goa200 days

FRB FRC HLO THUET Helicopter Underwater Escape TrainingOcean Offshore Marine India
Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training
This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment.
Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) course content covers offshore-specific safety induction, helicopter safety and escape, sea survival and fire fighting and self-rescue.
Further Offshore Emergency Training (FOET) Program is designed to meet the further offshore safety and emergency response training requirements for personnel working in the offshore oil and gas industry. Delegates have the opportunity to practice and demonstrate emergency response skills which are not possible to practice during drills, exercises and emergency offshore training.
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the offshore courses in Delhi. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry.
Courses 1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager)
2. BS (Barge Supervisor / Barge Master)
3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability)
4. MS (Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic)
5. OPIT OIMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training)
6. Crane Operator Course – Level 1, 2 & 3
7. HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer)
8. HDA (Helideck Assistant)
9. BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
10. HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training)
11. H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course)
12. FRC (Fast Rescue Craft)
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC & COC Assistance
Ocean offshore marine India
Contact for the offshore course booking of BOSIET, HUET FOET,H2S HLO FRC PSCRB,HFF, HDFF STCW 2010 Etc. now in Delhi. Email- Mob-8750141747Altinho, Goa233 days

FRC FRB HERTM HLO H2S Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety CourseThis course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment.
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978 sets minimum qualification standards for masters, officers and watch personnel on sea going merchant ships and large yachts( PST,FPFF,EFA,PSSR)
#Helicopter Underwater Escape Training in most other countries, (often abbreviated HUET, pronounced hue-wet, hue-way or you-way) is training provided to helicopter flight crews, offshore oil and gas industry staff law enforcement personnel, and military.
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipment's. We are the best institute to offer the offshore courses in Delhi. We offer all types of courses related to offshore Industry.
Courses1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager)
2. BS(Barge Supervisor / Barge Master)
3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability)
4. MS ( Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic)
5. OPIT OIMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training)
6. #Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3
7. #HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer)
8.# HDA ( Helideck Assistant)
9. #BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
10. #HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training)
11. #H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course)
12. #FRC #FRB (Fast Rescue Boat / Craft)
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC& COC Assistance
Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET,#HUET FOET#,H2S #HLO #FRC now in India. Email- weoffshore@gmail.comMob-8750141747 dddAltinho, Goa416 days

HLO FRC FRB HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training NEW DELHIThis course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment.
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978 sets minimum qualification standards for masters, officers and watch personnel on sea going merchant ships and large yachts( PST,FPFF,EFA,PSSR)
#Helicopter Underwater Escape Training in most other countries, (often abbreviated HUET, pronounced hue-wet, hue-way or you-way) is training provided to helicopter flight crews, offshore oil and gas industry staff law enforcement personnel, and military.
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipment's. We are the best institute to offer the offshore courses in Delhi. We offer all types of courses related to offshore Industry.
Courses1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager)
2. BS(Barge Supervisor / Barge Master)
3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability)
4. MS ( Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic)
5. OPIT OIMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training)
6. #Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3
7. #HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer)
8.# HDA ( Helideck Assistant)
9. #BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
10. #HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training)
11. #H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course)
12. #FRC #FRB (Fast Rescue Boat / Craft)
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC& COC Assistance
Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET,#HUET FOET#,H2S #HLO #FRC now in India. Email- weoffshore@gmail.comMob-8750141747Altinho, Goa606 days

FRC FRB HLO HERTM HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape TrainingThis course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment.
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978 sets minimum qualification standards for masters, officers and watch personnel on sea going merchant ships and large yachts( PST,FPFF,EFA,PSSR)
#Helicopter Underwater Escape Training in most other countries, (often abbreviated HUET, pronounced hue-wet, hue-way or you-way) is training provided to helicopter flight crews, offshore oil and gas industry staff law enforcement personnel, and military.
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipment's. We are the best institute to offer the offshore courses in Delhi. We offer all types of courses related to offshore Industry.
Courses1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager)
2. BS(Barge Supervisor / Barge Master)
3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability)
4. MS ( Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic)
5. OPIT OIMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training)
6. #Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3
7. #HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer)
8.# HDA ( Helideck Assistant)
9. #BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
10. #HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training)
11. #H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course)
12. #FRC #FRB (Fast Rescue Boat / Craft)
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC& COC Assistance
Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET,#HUET FOET#,H2S #HLO #FRC now in India. Email- weoffshore@gmail.comMob-8750141747Altinho, Goa627 days

HLO FRC HDA HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training MumbaiThis course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment.
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978 sets minimum qualification standards for masters, officers and watch personnel on sea going merchant ships and large yachts( PST,FPFF,EFA,PSSR)
#Helicopter Underwater Escape Training in most other countries, (often abbreviated HUET, pronounced hue-wet, hue-way or you-way) is training provided to helicopter flight crews, offshore oil and gas industry staff law enforcement personnel, and military.
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipment's. We are the best institute to offer the offshore courses in Delhi. We offer all types of courses related to offshore Industry.
Courses1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager)
2. BS(Barge Supervisor / Barge Master)
3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability)
4. MS ( Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic)
5. OPIT OIMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training)
6. #Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3
7. #HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer)
8.# HDA ( Helideck Assistant)
9. #BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
10. #HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training)
11. #H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course)
12. #FRC #FRB (Fast Rescue Boat / Craft)
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC& COC Assistance
Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET,#HUET FOET#,H2S #HLO #FRC now in India. Email- weoffshore@gmail.comMob-8750141747Altinho, Goa1082 days
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